20120202 CrowdStar Life Drawing
Can’t remember what the left pose was. Bottom right’s a Steppin’ Out sorta pose.
Can’t remember what the left pose was. Bottom right’s a Steppin’ Out sorta pose.
Two more 1 min poses.
2nd pose
1st sketch from the 1st CS life drawing session. This and the rest up til the one with the ‘2 min’ label were 1 min poses.
Tried another 10 min of pen on the same 20 min pose. Tried to start with a less sketchy, style with fewer lines. This is probably my least favorite of the evening.
For the second 20 minute pose I tried some pen. Limbs didn’t come out too well, and I stopped about 10 min in to start another rather than over work this.
20 minute sketch of reclining Leia. I think it’s my favorite of the evening. Her face came out shockingly human.
A couple min warmup before the first twenty minute sketch.
Vader’s cranky about getting crowned. Pen, 10 min.