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{ Monthly Archives } June 2010


20100629-bottles, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. This is a quick sketch that I did at work while sitting with some of our staff artists. This time I used the old 4B graphite stick. I wanted to work on some perspective things, so the table’s set of bottles, napkins and books as a good subject for that. […]



20100626-artistshand, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. My hand this time, shown as it was holding my sketch book. Once again with the HB pencil. I’m rather proud of this one. Hands are hard and this one’s pretty good.



20090523-boot, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. This is another old drawing that didn’t get scanned until now. It’s a friend’s boot, done while at Maker Fair last year. It’s also the only drawing from 2009. It’s a bit odd and it took me a little while to remember what it was, so it’s a bit of […]



20100624-bartprofiles+gestures, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Yet more BART people. These are a couple profiles, and some figure gesture sketches. Again, this is the lighter HB pencil from a set I added to the art box when I started carrying it ’round again.

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2008-gesture, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. I found the sketchbook again after moving and found a couple old things that I didn’t scan before. This is one of them. I like the minimalism of the gesture drawings.

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20100621-bartgesture, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. A few people standing on BART, done as gesture drawings with the brush pen. The term “gesture drawing” for these confused me until I was checking the spelling of “gesture” just now and found that the archaic meaning was related to carriage or bearing rather than a hand motion. Now […]

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20100618-bartman, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. This is the first now drawing in a while. A man on BART a couple seats ahead of me. Done with a light pencil. It doesn’t look much like him, but it does mostly look like a person. I think.
