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{ Daily Archives } Thursday, June 2008


20080612-contourfoot, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Contour #3! Moving down the leg, we got to the foot. Parts of it are way off, but I put a lot more time into this one than the other two and I think that show. It’s pretty much recognizable as a foot, so that’s good.

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20080612-contourleg, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Contour drawing #2 of the day: My leg folded in my lap. It’s a bit disembodied because the drawing pad was in the way.

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20080612-contourcup, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Today’s assignment was the 1st year art school favorite – contour line drawings. This is the first, done at work. My water cup. Very exciting. Perspective and scale aren’t great, but you can tell it’s a cup, so that’s something. This was the first try with the fancy brush tip, […]

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