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20110428-gesture5, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. The last sketch of the day. Clothed, in flowing dress/skirt. Hardest one of the set and a good challenge.

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20110428-gesture4, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Another page of gestures. Working from photographs is limiting. Photography already flattens the foreshortening affect and makes it a bit harder to get proportions and angles of limbs correct.

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20110428-gesture3, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Even more gesture sketches from today’s session. Switched to pencil from the brush pen for the last few pages.

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20110428-gesture2, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. More gestures from today’s sketch session. These are bigger and have more detail than the first few.

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20110428-gesture1, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Finally done with the backlog of drawing I had in my sketchbook but hadn’t scanned or uploaded. This is the 1st page of gesture drawings I did today with a couple of the artists at work. We were using an iPad app that cycles through photos of life drawing models. […]

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20100624-bartprofiles+gestures, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Yet more BART people. These are a couple profiles, and some figure gesture sketches. Again, this is the lighter HB pencil from a set I added to the art box when I started carrying it ’round again.

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2008-gesture, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. I found the sketchbook again after moving and found a couple old things that I didn’t scan before. This is one of them. I like the minimalism of the gesture drawings.

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20100621-bartgesture, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. A few people standing on BART, done as gesture drawings with the brush pen. The term “gesture drawing” for these confused me until I was checking the spelling of “gesture” just now and found that the archaic meaning was related to carriage or bearing rather than a hand motion. Now […]

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