20110428-gesture5, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. The last sketch of the day. Clothed, in flowing dress/skirt. Hardest one of the set and a good challenge.
Also tagged gesture20110428-gesture5, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. The last sketch of the day. Clothed, in flowing dress/skirt. Hardest one of the set and a good challenge.
Also tagged gesture20110428-gesture4, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Another page of gestures. Working from photographs is limiting. Photography already flattens the foreshortening affect and makes it a bit harder to get proportions and angles of limbs correct.
Also tagged gesture20110428-gesture3, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Even more gesture sketches from today’s session. Switched to pencil from the brush pen for the last few pages.
Also tagged gesture20101115-17-city, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Imaginary city. Inspired by some of Pascal Campion‘s art, I wanted to try for a sort of fantastic city. This was a few consecutive BART rides worth of work. Then I got bored and quit adding to it.
Also tagged20101112-bart-people, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. More people of BART. I like these fairly well. I remember feeling they were somewhat accurate as well.
Also tagged20101112-bart-person-profile, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Profile sketch of a person on BART. I remember the angles of this woman’s face were striking. This is a poor rendition.
Also tagged20100626-artistshand, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. My hand this time, shown as it was holding my sketch book. Once again with the HB pencil. I’m rather proud of this one. Hands are hard and this one’s pretty good.
Also tagged20100624-bartprofiles+gestures, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. Yet more BART people. These are a couple profiles, and some figure gesture sketches. Again, this is the lighter HB pencil from a set I added to the art box when I started carrying it ’round again.
Also tagged gesture20100618-bartman, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon. This is the first now drawing in a while. A man on BART a couple seats ahead of me. Done with a light pencil. It doesn’t look much like him, but it does mostly look like a person. I think.
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