Imaginary city. Inspired by some of Pascal Campion‘s art, I wanted to try for a sort of fantastic city. This was a few consecutive BART rides worth of work. Then I got bored and quit adding to it.
Tagged pencilImaginary city. Inspired by some of Pascal Campion‘s art, I wanted to try for a sort of fantastic city. This was a few consecutive BART rides worth of work. Then I got bored and quit adding to it.
Tagged pencilMore people of BART. I like these fairly well. I remember feeling they were somewhat accurate as well.
Tagged pencilProfile sketch of a person on BART. I remember the angles of this woman’s face were striking. This is a poor rendition.
Tagged pencilMaking up a scary badguy face. Tried to do the same face from different angles. Some worked better than others. I think the one in the top left looks a bit like the Sovereign from The Venture Brothers.
Tagged graphiteI wanted to capture the nature of this lady’s hair. Again, I’m pleased with how it turned out, other than the overly deep shadow in the fold below her collar. Sometimes charcoal doesn’t want to be anything but DARK.
More gesture drawing of people standing on BART. I like the minimalist head on the guy on the top left. All of them to a pretty good job of getting the bearing of the people, so I’m pleased.
Another view of trees from the Blue Mountains in Jamaica.
20100708-pencil-table, originally uploaded by DevilCrayon.
A new post! This one was drawn while on vacation in Jamaica. I like it rather a lot. It’s not quite right though – the landscape started drifting into the part of the view that was blocked by the door frame that I didn’t get around to filling in.
Here is a photograph of the view that I took after I drew the drawing: [photo]